Happy Mother’s Day to ALL our missio Dei: Falcon women! We recognize collectively that this day and this greeting are not neutral, but rather they carry a great deal of mixed emotions. There are beautiful joys and deep sorrows among us, there are incredible memories shared over laughter and painful memories with tears shed. Please know that you are not alone in this. Jesus gives you his very self and he has also given us spiritual siblings within the household of faith to journey alone side you.
It is here however, that I would like us to pause a moment to remember and recognize what God has to say about mothering.
And this we remember and recognize….The world did not create Mother’s Day. The world does not define mother’s day. Ladies, worldly mothering is Hallmark created and bumper-sticker defined, narrow in scope and hollow in sequence. It is competitive, individualistic, and exhausting. Worldly mothering dresses our children for the things of this earth.
But, Spiritual Mothering… spiritual mothering dresses all God’s children for THE THING yet to come, our heavenly home in the presence of Jesus. Spiritual mothering is collaborative, sacrificial, and life-giving. The Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Creator God created and defines mother’s day and it is a holy task!
This holy task is for all us mommas whether you are a biological momma, an adoptive momma, a step-momma, a foster momma, a single momma, a divorced momma, a grandma momma, a thriving momma, a weary momma, a full momma or a longing momma… You are uniquely gifted and uniquely called to steward God’s glorious creation and design in spiritual mothering among the saints!
Fellow image bearers, sisters, we see you and celebrate you today and truly everyday because Jesus sees you and celebrates you! You are honored and you are so loved because You have infinite value, equal dignity, and indispensable worth in the Kingdom of God and here in this local Body of believers as mothers!
Oh that missio Dei: Falcon would be a place known for the thriving of all women in all stages and seasons of life. And thriving looks like mighty women of God who are rooted and grounded in the knowledge of Christ, established and alive among the people of Christ, and sacredly sent to nurture, disciple, and train up the next generation of women who know, fear, love, and serve the Lord. This is God’s good and gracious design!
To that end, we have a gift for all our women. You can pick up this incredible book called, How Can Women Thrive in the Local Church, by Kari Folmar in the next few weeks at our in person gatherings. We would love for you to grab one for yourself and one to bless a neighbor friend. You are so loved dear sisters.
Categories:: General