Healing and Refreshing

February 10, 2025 | Chris Taylor

  • What are some of the ways the American church has become like Laodicea?
  • Are there things that you personally have begun to trust in over Christ?
  • How can we be refreshing and healing to our culture? Answer specifically in terms of your spheres of influence.

Categories: Stand Alone Series

Honesty: Walking in the Light

February 2, 2025 | Kolburt Schultz

  • When do you find it hardest to be yourself or to be vulnerable? When are you most able to be real?
  • In your own words, how is our culture’s obsession with “authenticity” different from biblical “honesty”?
  • Are we an honest church? How can we cultivate a deeper culture of this kind of honesty?

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series


January 21, 2025 | Aaron Britton

  • Let your table know a time you learned something from a friend, spouse, or peer that was very helpful to you.
  • What are some ways that we can be others-centered and care for one another well?  What makes this hard in our culture?
  • Pray for each other at your table that you will grow in humility and others-centeredness.

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Testimony Sunday – 2024

January 15, 2025 | Various Speakers

  • What difficulty or loss are you grieving from this last year? How can you see Jesus working in the midst of that?
  • What from this last year do you need to leave behind? What needs to die in your life for God to do something new and better?
  • Who is God putting on your heart that needs to know the love of Jesus? How will you be intentional to share Good News this upcoming year?
  • What does radical obedience to Jesus look like this upcoming year? Where is He calling you to step into more intentional ministry?

Categories: Stand Alone Series

A Heart for Mission

January 5, 2025 | Kolburt Schultz

  • Which of the aspects of Jesus’ ministry (Head, Heart, Hands) are you most excited about? Which do you most struggle with?
  • What does brokenness look like in your neighborhood? How can our church help bring healing?
  • Have a volunteer at your table pray for us to have compassionate hearts and for laborers to be sent into the fields.

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Jesus, Reigning King

December 26, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz

  • How are you being intentional about focusing on Jesus this Advent season?
  • When do you most feel your desire to be king? When you act upon those desires, what are the consequences for those around you?
  • What about the verses discussed today help you remember only Jesus is King? How does that change your relationships with others?

Categories: Advent 2024 Series

What is Joy?

December 15, 2024 | Aaron Britton


  • Share a time when your life suddenly seemed bigger than all of the explainable things we operate in from day to day. How did you see God at work there? 
  • Share a time when difficulty and hardship helped you to see God’s work in the world.  
  • Pray for each other that we would all find joy in God’s work this Advent Season.  

Categories: Advent 2024 Series