Upcoming New Partners’ Class:
Partnership at missio Dei: Falcon is a commitment we make to one another to participate in the mission and embody the priorities of our church. It is not membership in a club where you gain privileges over non-members, but is a way for us to be an active part of Jesus building His church in Falcon, Colorado Springs, and to the ends of the earth!
In order to become a partner there are three steps:
- Attend a class: An afternoon explaining the history, mission and priorities of the church.
- Have a conversation: Sitting down with an elder to share your testimony and affirm your commitment to partner with missio Dei: Falcon.
- Make a commitment: All partners commit to invest in missio Dei: Falcon through the following two-part statement, “I am a Gospel-believing, sin-repenting, mutually-submissive, baptized Christian. And I will participate consistently, serve joyfully, give sacrificially, and live missionally.”
You can read a more in-depth description of what it means to be a partner here.

If you are interested in partnership, email info@missiodeifalcon.org for more information about our next round of partnership classes.