
On Mother’s Day we were very excited to announce that we have created an adoption fund as part of our mission giving.  This fund is currently set at 5% of all our mission giving and will be used to help pay for adoption costs for any missio Dei: Falcon members who are feeling led to adopt.
Of all the biblical metaphors for our relationship with Christ, adoption is perhaps one of the most powerful.  Without Jesus we were all orphans, alone and without hope, but God’s gracious love towards us through the cross made us His children (Galatians 4:3-7).  When our church members extend this same love toward a child who is in need of adoption they are not only changing the life of a precious little one, they are proclaiming the Gospel to the world!
If you are feeling led to adopt please contact a pastor so we can begin this exciting journey!  If you do not currently believe that this is what God has for you please pray about the possibility of God calling you to this, and know that a portion of your tithe to the church will help fund this process for one of your fellow church members.

Categories:: Announcements, Mission Update