
Part of being a church committed to mission means we give 15% of all the offerings we receive towards the mission of God outside our church.  Over the past few months we have highlighted and intentionally prayed for the different ministries we support.  So far this has included Wade Brown and PastorServeJason and Loanne Procopio and their church plant in Paris, France, Eglise Connexion, and the ministry of Sideris Church in Seattle, Washington led by Dave Evanger.  We have also focused on the adoption fund we recently introduced to our church.
This week we are thrilled to point our focus and prayers toward a ministry we are supporting that is led by members of missio Dei!  Brent and Lacy Hassler (and their boys Shammah and David) serve with the Navigators, and focus their efforts on Peterson Air Force Base.  It’s always exciting to see how God uses our mission fund for the expansion of His Kingdom, but when it is through one of our own member families it is especially encouraging!  To learn more about their ministry, and how you can pray for the Hasslers, click here.

Categories:: Mission Update