Part of being a church committed to mission means we give 15% of all the offerings we receive towards the mission of God outside our church. One of the ministries we support is Wade Brown‘s coaching of pastors through PastorServe. Wade is an wonderful leader and his input into the lives of pastors has shaped many churches in our area, including missio Dei! The following is an update Wade sent out recently and gives a good picture of what Wade does and the ministry your tithes are supporting:
News on the National Level
- PastorServe Book Series
- Our second book in the series, Pastors Are People Too: What They Won’t Tell You But You Need To Know, will be released May 1, 2016.
- We’re also excited to announce that David C. Cook recently approved the following books (working titles):
- The Everyday Gospel
- What I Wished I had learned in Seminary
- Hire the Pastor, Get the Wife — We’re inviting some well-known pastors’ wives to write this book.
- Where do I need to grow so I can lead to the next level?
- How did excitement and passion get replaced with so much conflict and stress?
- I think I’ve lost sight of the mission. Would you help me regain perspective?
- What does healthy conflict look like?
- My husband drinks a lot, and I believe he’s addicted to sex and porn. How can you help him?
- My husband is a gifted teacher and communicator, but I can’t stand to listen to him preach anymore because the person I see up front is not the person I see at home. Are my feelings wrong?
- My husband and I have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for the last six months. Is there hope for us?
- I’m afraid to tell others about our situation because I fear my husband will blame me. What advice can you give?
- “You seem to coach many pastors. Do you have a coach yourself?” I first invited a coach into my life about 5 years ago—a year before I joined the PastorServe team. I believe in the power of Gospel-centered coaching, and I’m excited to say I do have a coach in my life. His name is Frank Keller. I first met Frank while serving at Focus on the Family. Frank is the person in my life who challenges my thinking in my private life and my public ministry. He helps me to be more intentional in my planning and goal setting. He holds me accountable, and he has become one of my biggest fans.
Categories:: Mission Update