Thanks for your interest in missio Dei: Falcon! Simply put— we are a “setup and teardown church” with a whole bunch of kids that meets in Falcon every Sunday Morning. That’s a surface level description, but here’s a little bit more about who we are and what we have going on as a church.

Who We Are
Our mission is “Creating the space for all people to ENCOUNTER the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, EXPERIENCE the love of Jesus through the love of His people, and ENGAGE the work of Jesus through missional discipleship.” This is lived out in every teaching, program, idea, or activity that we have at missio Dei. We’d love to have you come and join us!
You can see more information on our mission, priorities, doctrine, values, and formative practices here.

Sunday Mornings
We gather together at Woodmen Hills Elementary at 10am every Sunday Morning. This is one of our most impactful events of the week. Our Adults and kids sixth grade and up sit around tables and sing together, pray together, hear a sermon, and then discuss the sermon together. Our kids gather in age-specific classrooms to do many of the same things using the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum.
You can see a full description of Sunday Mornings here.

Discipleship Collectives
Outside of Sunday mornings, we meet in small groups that we call Discipleship Collectives. These are groups averaging 3-6 men, women, or family units that gather weekly to study God’s word and pray together. We meet in homes, at pubs, at coffee shops or restaurants throughout Falcon, Peyton, and Colorado Springs. We also have a Youth DC for kids grades six to twelve.
You can see a full list of our DC’s and sign up to join one here.

Getting Further Connected
After interacting on Sunday Mornings and joining a Discipleship Collective, we have further ways to get plugged in through serving and leadership development. We eagerly desire to be a church-planting-church and to see more churches get planted in Colorado, the United States, and throughout the world.
You can explore our site further and contact us if you’d like to speak with one of our staff or elders.