
1 Peter: Thriving In Exile
1 Peter: Thriving In Exile
Honorable Exiles and Marriage (1 Peter 3:1-7)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Honorable wives in exile (1 Peter 3:1-6).
  2. Honorable husbands in exile (1 Peter 3:7).

Discussion Questions:

  • Women, which of the three attributes discussed today is most challenging? Which is most appealing? (1-2: Missional Submission; 3-4: Authentic Beauty; 5-6: Communal Calling); 
  • Men, which of the four attributes discussed today is the most needed exhortation? (7a, live in an understanding way; 7b, show honor; 7c, remember we are co-heirs; 7d, prayers can be hindered);
  • What would a church culture that embodied these attributes feel like? How can you help cultivate that culture?  

This is the 8th sermon of the series 1 Peter: Thriving In Exile.
