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This is the 18th sermon in our series Acts: Jesus Builds His Church.
Sermon Outline:
- Context: Jesus is always working behind the scenes (10:1-35).
- Peter’s preaches the Gospel without favoritism (10:36-43).
- The Holy Spirit and the Church work in unison (10:44-48).
- The church in Jerusalem tries to catch up (11:1-18).
Discussion Questions:
- Where did you observe a lack of unity in the American church in 2020? How might the truth of this passage helped that turn out differently?
- In v. 47 Peter uses baptism as a tangible expression of the Gentiles acceptance into the People of God. What can our church/you do tangibly to demonstrate the acceptance of outsiders?
- What suggestions would you have for someone who is struggling to love a person who is different from them? How does the Gospel fuel that love?