
1 Peter: Thriving In Exile
1 Peter: Thriving In Exile
Growth Through Pain (Intro to 1 Peter)

Sermon Outline:

  1. A confusing theme in 1 Peter…
  2. Evil is real, God is good, and that’s not a contradiction.
  3. It turns out, we aren’t the first ones to suffer…
  4. Could something bigger be going on behind our suffering?

Discussion Questions:

  • When in your life did you grow the most as a follower of Christ? How did God grow you?
  • Have you ever felt that the existence of evil is a barrier to trusting Jesus? How do the verses we read today about Jesus suffering help deal with that barrier?
  • What is hard in your life right now? What would it look/feel like to experience Jesus’ presence in that?

This is the 1st sermon of the series 1 Peter: Thriving In Exile.
