
missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Stand Alone Sermon
Behold the Mission of the King (Matthew 28:16-20)

Sermon Outline:

  1. The call to go and make disciples depends on the authority of King Jesus (v. 16-18).
  2. The call to go and make disciples depends on the command of King Jesus (v. 19-20a).
  3. The call to go and make disciples depends on the promised presence of King Jesus (v. 20b).

Discussion Questions:

  • Why do you think people struggle with the authority of Jesus?
  • What about you: Are you a doubter or worshipper of King Jesus?
  • Are you discipling or being discipled? What does that relationship look like?
  • Discuss the aim of biblical disciple-making (Romans 8:29).
  • Discuss what the promise of the presence of Jesus means to you.

**This sermon was preached by Ed Davis from missio Dei: Raleigh.
