
After yesterday’s sermon on giving it might be helpful to share a few additional resources on finances and generosity.

  • Joby Martin, Multiply Resources (video from an Acts 29 conference, his jokes are better than anything you’ll hear at mD:F…).
  • The Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn (A short, easy read with a good theology of generosity).
  • Crown Financial Ministries (A Christian ministry that helps with personal financial management, a registration fee is required for full-access, but they have a lot of helpful free resources as well).
  • Budget Worksheet (This is part of the pre-marital counseling curriculum we use, to complete spend a month tracking all of your expenses and fill in the appropriate columns, then set a budget moving forward in the column on the right. It’s best to pair something like this with an app on your phone to track expenses such as GoodBudget).

This is such an important aspect of our discipleship, so if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to Kolburt. Also, if you have questions about how the church handles finances you can email our finance team lead, Jessica Renaud.

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