If you’re at something hosted by missio Dei: Falcon, there’s about a fifty-fifty chance you’ll be getting some cotton candy! Whether it’s one of our events, like this one on June 11th, or a special week for missio: Kids, or really just a random Sunday– we really love cotton candy!
But more than Cotton Candy, we really love Jesus. That’s why our mission is: Creating the space for all people to ENCOUNTER the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, EXPERIENCE the love of Jesus through the love of His people, and ENGAGE the work of Jesus through missional discipleship. You can see the evidence of this mission being lived out in our priorities, one of which is Kingdom Multiplying: Giving ourselves for the glory of Jesus beyond our local church setting (Matthew 28:18-20).

If you’re interested in helping out with our next Kingdom Multiplying event, reach out to our Director of Operations, David Fox.
Categories:: Events