Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 4: Trouble in the Midst of God’s Call.

October 8, 2023 | Aaron Britton


  • Is there a time in your life where God has called you to a new ministry, family decision, job, etc… and you faced hardship in following Him?  
  • Which one of these things is the most common challenge you face in following Jesus:  1)  Discouragement from other people   2)  Physical limitations  3) Sin in your life or from others? How do you stay close to Jesus in the midst of those challenges? 
  • Pray for anyone at your table facing trouble or obstacles in following Jesus today. 

The Question:  If God calls someone to something, shouldn’t that thing go smoothly?
1.  The Presence of Trouble is not the Absence of God.
2.  God is doing a Work In Us as well as Through Us.
3.  Things that don’t go away when God calls us to something.

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series