Triumphant Procession: Humble Kingdom (John 12:12-18)

March 24, 2024 | Aaron Britton

• Has there been a time when God has acted in an unexpected way,
different than your agenda? Why are those times difficult for us?
• Is it difficult for us to be satisfied with the “downward pull” of the
kingdom of God? Why?
• Pray for anyone at your table, for circumstances that they are facing

Categories: Stand Alone Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 13: Endurance and Working for God. (Nehemiah 6:1-19)

March 10, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Where has God called you to work for His glory?
  • What are your ministries?
  • Where do you see brokenness that God is leading you to bring healing?


  • What distractions keep you from doing the work God has called you to?
  • What means of grace has God used to strengthen your hands for the work?
  • What fears keep you from continuing the work God has called you to?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 12: God’s Heart for Justice (Nehemiah 5:1-19)

March 3, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What outcries of injustice exist in our society? What outcries might you struggle to hear because of your background or biases?
  • Where has injustice within the church led to damaging our public witness?
  • What tangible things is the Spirit calling you to do to work for justice in our world?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 11: No One Said It Would Be Easy (Nehemiah 4:1-23)

February 18, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What feels heavy in your life right now? How might that heaviness be understood as opposition against God’s mission for your life?
  • Are you more tempted to rely on self and forget to pray or are you tempted to quit and forget to work? How does Nehemiah’s example of praying and working encourage you specifically? 
  • As you read verse 14, what do you feel most convicted of needing to fight for: Brothers/Sisters in Christ, your children and the next generation, your marriage, or your church? How does remembering God’s greatness and awesomeness fuel that fight?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series