Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 17: Living as the People of God. (Nehemiah 11:1-12:43)

May 5, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What are some ways the American church has struggled to live as the people of God? How do those struggles diminish the Church’s light to the people who don’t yet know Jesus?
  • What needs to change in your mindset and behavior in order to view your dwelling place as a ministry assignment from God?
  • How can biblical celebrations, and the joy they produce, help strengthen your faith? What practices could you adopt to become a person who celebrates God’s faithfulness well?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 16: Making a Covenant of Renewal. (Nehemiah 9:38-10:39)

April 28, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Where does the American church need to be intentional about cultivating obedience? Where does our church need to be intentional? How about you personally?
  • What tangible reminders do you have in your life that help you follow Jesus? Is there anything you are feeling prompted to add in response to this passage?
  • Who are you leading/caring for? How will you know if your leadership is helping them thrive?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Unshakable Confidence. Philippians 3:1-11

April 21, 2024 | Adam Johnson


  • What are some things that the world says we should have confidence in? What are some things that you are tempted to place your confidence in?
  • In light of those things, why do you need the continual reminder to rejoice in the Lord?
  • What do you need to count as loss for the sake of Christ?

Categories: Philippians Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 15: The Difference Between God and Us. (Nehemiah 9:1-37)

April 14, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Reflect for a moment honestly, what is your default view of who God is? What do you tend to think His character must be like? How does this chapter totally upend that understanding?!
  • Why do we struggle with the idea of corporate repentance? How could corporate repentance be a help to our church?
  • If you were to turn your own history into a prayer what would it sound like?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Triumphant Procession: Humble Kingdom (John 12:12-18)

March 24, 2024 | Aaron Britton

• Has there been a time when God has acted in an unexpected way,
different than your agenda? Why are those times difficult for us?
• Is it difficult for us to be satisfied with the “downward pull” of the
kingdom of God? Why?
• Pray for anyone at your table, for circumstances that they are facing

Categories: Stand Alone Series