Thriving in Community Part 11: Giving and Receiving Spiritual Direction.

August 27, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Do you have any examples from your life when God used a “spiritual director” to admonish/encourage/help you? How did you grow because of that? 
  • How has your past experience with Discipleship Collectives modeled this kind of intentional maturing in Christ?  
  • What are some barriers that prevent DCs from helping one another mature?

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving in Community Part 10: Forgiveness and the Gospel.

August 20, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • In your own words, why is forgiveness so difficult? 
  • Can you think of a time you experienced true forgiveness from another person? What did that feel like? 
  • What is Jesus calling you to do with this topic of forgiveness? What feels scary or difficult about it? Encourage one another at your table.

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving in Community Part 9: Encouragement in the Gospel.

August 13, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Think of a time where you felt isolated from the encouraging relationships described here. What was the hardest part? 
  • Describe some times God has used His people to encourage you. What made the encouragement effective? 
  • How has God gifted you to bring encouragement to others?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit calling you to encourage this week? Make a plan and do it!

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving in Community Part 6: Fruit and Root of Words.

July 23, 2023 | Ryan Fee


  • If your words reveal the condition of your heart, what are some areas in your life where the Lord is leading you to repent of? Anger in parenting? Gossip around friends? Bitterness toward a co-worker?
  • Knowing how impactful words are, what are some practical and authentic ways you can love and bless those around you with your words?

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving in Community Part 5: Peacemakers.

July 16, 2023 | Aaron Britton


  • What does being Irenic mean to you?  How have you been able to practice this at home/work/school?   
  • Have you noticed yourself score-keeping with others or operating out of past wounds or pain?  What does the Gospel say to that? 
  • Is there a scenario this week where you need to make peace?  Pray for anyone at your table who is headed into that kind of situation.

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving in Community Part 4: Biblical Friendship.

June 25, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What, in your experience, makes friendship difficult?
  • What have been some key characteristics of godly friendships you have experienced?
  • How do you need to mature in order to become a better friend? How does Jesus demonstrate that maturity to you already?

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

Thriving In Community Part 2: Christian Fellowship.

June 18, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • In light of all the Scripture we read this morning, how would you summarize the promise of fellowship/community? How would you describe the pain of fellowship/community?
  • Where do you sense God calling you to endure in love? How is God convicting you of areas you need to mature?
  • What do you need from your church community?

Categories: Thriving in Community Series

A Father to the Fatherless (Psalm 68:1-6a)

May 7, 2023 | Jay Dangers

Discussion Questions

  • What has your experience with the fatherless and the orphan been?
  • Have you had a specific role in the life of a fatherless or orphaned child?  If so, what has that been?
  • How does it affect your view of God the Father to know that He cares so much for the “least of these”?

*This sermon was preached by Jay Dangers of New Hope Uganda.

Categories: Stand Alone Series