The Dishonest Manager – Luke 16:1-13

March 24, 2025 | Mark Oshman


  • Jesus teaches that stewardship of earthly wealth shows our trustworthiness for eternal riches. How does this shape your understanding of money and generosity?
  • If the people of missio Dei embraced Jesus’ teaching of shrewd stewardship, how might that impact how we live individually and as a church together?

Categories: Stand Alone Series


March 17, 2025 | Chris Taylor

This is the tenth sermon in our “Gospel Culture: Living Out our Church Values” series.


  1. What is the new commandment?
  2. How has Christ loved us, and how should we love each other?
  3. How do we apply this to the body and beyond?


  • What are some examples of how Christ has shown His love to me? How can I show that same love to others?
  • How can I guard my heart against resentment or record-keeping from something that has been done wrong to me? Are there things in my life that have caused me to form the belief that Christ keeps an account of my wrongs?
  • Why does my decision to love as Christ loved me matter? How does this begin to impact my heart? My community? 

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Generosity: Pursuing a Better Reward

March 10, 2025 | Kolburt Schultz

This is the ninth sermon in our “Gospel Culture: Living Out our Church Values” series.


1. Money is [Not] neutral.

2. A goal better than being rich.

3. Two tools for maintaining the proper goal.


  • Why does our culture struggle with both generosity and contentment? What has God used to grow you in these areas previously? 
  • What scares you about being more generous? How can Scripture and other Christians alleviate these fears?
  • Are we a generous church? What can we do to become more generous?

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Outdo One Another in Showing Honor

March 6, 2025 | Aaron Britton

This is the eighth sermon in our “Gospel Culture: Living Out our Church Values” series.


  • What are some good ways to honor and encourage one another? Differentiate that from flattery. How can we make this a more consistent practice in our life? 
  • Why do you think the default setting in our relationships is so often the opposite of honoring one another?
  • For personal reflection: who in your life needs an encouragement and needs to be honored this week? How can you plan  to have that interaction?

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Holiness: Reflecting the Beauty of Jesus

February 17, 2025 | Kolburt Schultz

This is the sixth sermon in our “Gospel Culture: Living Out our Church Values” series.


1. Holiness: Who has it and who doesn’t.

2. Holiness: A framework for understanding.

3. Holiness: Why it matters and how to grow in it.


  • How do you typically feel when you hear Christians talking about holiness? How does our culture respond to the topic of holiness? Why?
  • Which aspect of the New Testament’s teaching on holiness or “living worthy” are you most challenged by? Encouraged by?
  • Are we a holy church? How can we cultivate a deeper culture of this kind of holiness?

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Healing and Refreshing

February 10, 2025 | Chris Taylor


Authority (Revelation 3:14)

Diagnosis (Revelation 3:15-17)

Remedy (Revelation 3:18, Isaiah 55:1-3)

Affectionate call of a loving Christ (Revelation 3:19-22)


  • What are some of the ways the American church has become like Laodicea?
  • Are there things that you personally have begun to trust in over Christ?
  • How can we be refreshing and healing to our culture? Answer specifically in terms of your spheres of influence.

Categories: Stand Alone Series

Honesty: Walking in the Light

February 2, 2025 | Kolburt Schultz

This is the fourth sermon in our “Gospel Culture: Living Out our Church Values” series.


1. The appeal of honesty

2. The problem of honesty

3. The power of honesty

4. The practice of honesty


  • When do you find it hardest to be yourself or to be vulnerable? When are you most able to be real?
  • In your own words, how is our culture’s obsession with “authenticity” different from biblical “honesty”?
  • Are we an honest church? How can we cultivate a deeper culture of this kind of honesty?

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series


January 21, 2025 | Aaron Britton

  • Let your table know a time you learned something from a friend, spouse, or peer that was very helpful to you.
  • What are some ways that we can be others-centered and care for one another well?  What makes this hard in our culture?
  • Pray for each other at your table that you will grow in humility and others-centeredness.

Categories: Gospel Culture: Living out our core values Series

Testimony Sunday – 2024

January 15, 2025 | Various Speakers

  • What difficulty or loss are you grieving from this last year? How can you see Jesus working in the midst of that?
  • What from this last year do you need to leave behind? What needs to die in your life for God to do something new and better?
  • Who is God putting on your heart that needs to know the love of Jesus? How will you be intentional to share Good News this upcoming year?
  • What does radical obedience to Jesus look like this upcoming year? Where is He calling you to step into more intentional ministry?

Categories: Stand Alone Series