Luke Part 5: Introducing: The Son of God. (Luke 3:21-38)

October 7, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What stood out in the passage today you haven’t seen before? How might that show the importance of theology?
  • Why do we tend to think that some people have a “head start” with Jesus? Why is it important to reject that false idea?
  • How is this passage Good News for my neighbor?

Categories: Luke Series

Luke Part 4: Repentance Prepares the Way. (Luke 3:1-20)

September 30, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • When you personally find it hard to repent, what are the factors? How does John’s message speak to those?
  • Why do you think John’s applications of repentance had to do with money? How is that  message applicable to our American culture?
  • John’s humility is a wonderful example of the posture we all should have. What is humility? How can we grow in it?

Categories: Luke Series

Luke Part 3: A Glimpse Into Jesus’ Childhood. (Luke 2:39-52)

September 22, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Where are you in your understanding of who Jesus is?
  • Would you be more likely to forget Jesus was truly human or truly God? How would that lessen your joy?
  • How is the message that “it’s ok for us to be only human because Jesus is not merely human” good news for your neighbors?

Categories: Luke Series

Luke Part 2: Waiting for His Consolation. (Luke 2:22-40)

September 15, 2024 | Aaron Britton


  • How have you seen “steadfastness have it’s full effect” in your life?  How has waiting on the Lord affected you and helped you?
  • How have you seen God’s faithfulness in preserving You throughout your life, and in keeping his promises to You?
  • Pray for anyone at your table who finds themselves waiting on the Lord, or finds themselves, like Mary, looking ahead to hard things.

Categories: Luke Series

Luke Part 1: The Purpose of Luke’s Gospel. (Luke 1:1-4)

September 8, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • How certain are you that the Word of God tells the true story of the Son of God? This is a safe place to answer honestly.
  • What are the factors that have led you to your current level of certainty? What other steps of study or investigation do you need to take still?
  • What would a higher degree of certainty in the story Luke tells produce in your emotions and actions?
  • What do you hope to get out of our church’s extended study of Luke? What are you asking God to show you or work in and through you?

Categories: Luke Series

Consider Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2)

September 1, 2024 | Michael Bannon


  • What are some of the more common weights than slow Christians down?
  • What weights or hindrances slow you down?
  • What are your thoughts about the respectable sins among Christians? Are there sins that Christians seem to be more involved in?
  • What practices can I be involved in to help in my race?

Categories: Stand Alone Series

Refuge in the Gospel. (Psalm 16:1-11)

August 25, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • If refuge is running somewhere for peace or safety when life is hard, where do you typically run?
  • Which aspect of biblical refuge in verses 2-5 do you most struggle with?
  • Which attribute of God’s refuge in verses 6-11 do you most long for?

Categories: Stand Alone Series

Repentance (Psalm 32:1-5)

August 18, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • How would you define repentance? How is repenting to God or repenting to another person similar and different?
  • When do you most struggle to truly repent?
  • What do you think are some characteristics of genuine repentance?

Categories: Stand Alone Series

The Cost of Forgiveness. (Psalm 103:10-14)

August 11, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz


  • In your own words, why is forgiveness so difficult?
  • Can you think of a time you experienced true forgiveness from another person? What did that feel like?
  • What is Jesus calling you to do with this topic of forgiveness? What feels scary or difficult about it? Encourage one another at your table.

Categories: Stand Alone Series

A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break (Isaiah 42:1-6a)

August 4, 2024 | Aaron Britton


  • Why do you think we have a picture of God that is harsh or demanding?  How does this affect the way we approach Him?
  • Why do you think our narrative of the hard situations in our life see God as being absent?  What do the scriptures say about God’s presence in those times?
  • Pray for anyone at your table that could use encouragement and comfort this week.

Categories: Stand Alone Series