
Luke: The Journey from Humility to Exaltation

For the next 18 months (or so), we are going to walk through the Gospel of Luke, seeking to learn more about Jesus – who He was and is, what He did and is doing, and how those truths should impact our lives today, and our hope for tomorrow. Here are some resources to help… Read more »


Friendship Resources

This past Sunday we continued our summer preaching series on relationships with a sermon about the importance of friendship. Friendship is one of the most important relational gifts God has given us, but also one that often causes great confusion and even pain. If we are to thrive in community we need to approach this… Read more »

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross


Resources for Lent

Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, marks the beginning of the season of Lent for the Church calendar. Lent is the 46 days leading up to Easter that the Church has historically set aside to intentionally prepare our hearts for celebrating the Resurrection. It is a season of “Good-Grief and Grace-Tears” as we approach the celebration that… Read more »


1 Peter Resources

This past week we began a study through the amazing book of 1 Peter. As a church we desire to be a place where we can gather to encounter the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, and to that end we will be studying verse-by-verse through 1 Peter in order to glean… Read more »


Bible Reading Plans for 2023

One of our six priorities at missio Dei: Falcon is to become increasingly Scripture Saturated (The Word of Christ, dwelling in us richly, permeating all we think, say, and do – Colossians 3:16). One of the best ways for this to happen is for us to spend time daily lingering over the Bible. For the past couple… Read more »


New Testament Reading Plan | 2022

As a church community one of our top priorities is to become increasingly Scripture saturated (The Word of Christ, dwelling in us richly, permeating all we think, say, and do – Colossians 3:16). One of the best ways for this to happen is for us to spend time daily lingering over the Bible. In 2021… Read more »


Living Our Values

Yesterday we wrapped up our four part series on the vision and values of missio Dei: Falcon.  As we come out of one of the most difficult seasons the American church has ever endured, it is more important than ever that we: Create a space for all people to encounter the person of Jesus through… Read more »


Spiritual Gifts For The Missio Dei

This past week we studied 1 Corinthians 12 and Paul’s teaching on the nature and purpose of spiritual gifts in the life of the church. The main point of this passage of Scripture is that a spiritual gift is where our individuality lives out our interdependence in a local church. Since all Christians have at… Read more »


New Testament Reading Plan | 2021

This year missio Dei will embark on a New Testament reading plan as a church. This 365 day plan of the New Testament will encourage us to be in God’s word daily. This plan provided by The Bible Project, can be used with the Bible App on your phone. To look over the reading plan and watch some of the videos associated with the plan click here. For a free printable PDF version of… Read more »


Calling For Justice, Lamenting Sin, Listening To The Hurting. -A Statement on the Cross and Race

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? —Psalm 13:1-2 It moments of cultural upheaval and crisis we… Read more »