Encountering the Person, Experiencing the Love, and Engaging the Work of Jesus in the Psalms
January 14, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Stand Alone Series
January 14, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Stand Alone Series
January 7, 2024 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Stand Alone Series
December 31, 2023 | Adam Johnson
Table Discussion 1:
What is your prayer life currently like? How will you become more prayerful in 2024?
What does it look like to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit in your everyday life?
How can you tell, personally, if you are living out the fruit of the Spirit?
In what ways do you need to be more dependent on the Lord through prayer?
Table Discussion 2:
What does it mean for you to live a “holy” life (walking in a manner worthy of Christ)?
How can you step into that life more fully this next year? What things do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing?
Why is it important for Christians to walk in humility? Why is it difficult to walk in humility?
How can you pursue growth in humility this upcoming year?
Categories: Stand Alone Series
December 17, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Advent 2023 Series
December 10, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
As you reflect on celebrating God’s mercy, what does that look like for you? Answer both how has God been merciful to you, and how can you celebrate that?
If God’s mercy is His loyal, faithful, gracious love as He acts on behalf of His people, what does it look like to extend mercy to others?
Categories: Advent 2023 Series
December 3, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
How can your soul magnify the Lord? What would it actually look like for you to have a posture like Mary? Answer with practical examples!
What tangible things do you do that help you focus on Jesus? Think of disciplines, rhythms, or habits.
How can you fight for your joy? How can we come alongside each other in this fight?
Categories: Advent 2023 Series
November 26, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Advent 2023 Series
November 21, 2023 | Adam Johnson
– What are the things that keep you from being obedient in Christ, and how can you step into further obedience?
– How can you submit to the work of God in you to sustain the works He has for you?
Categories: Philippians Series
November 12, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series
November 5, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz
Why is Ezra’s order of first study of the Bible, then personal action, and lastly teaching others important? What happens if we mix up that order? How are you doing with those 3 steps?
Where have you seen God’s good hand on you (Red Sea Moments)? How do those moments produce courage to act and a posture of worship?
Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series