Advent 2023, Part 3: Celebrating God’s Mercy Luke 1: 57-80

December 10, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz

As you reflect on celebrating God’s mercy, what does that look like for you? Answer both how has God been merciful to you, and how can you celebrate that?
If God’s mercy is His loyal, faithful, gracious love as He acts on behalf of His people, what does it look like to extend mercy to others?

Categories: Advent 2023 Series

Advent 2023 Part 2: Fighting for Our Joy by Rejoicing in Our Savior. Luke 1:39-56

December 3, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz

How can your soul magnify the Lord? What would it actually look like for you to have a posture like Mary? Answer with practical examples!
What tangible things do you do that help you focus on Jesus? Think of disciplines, rhythms, or habits. 
How can you fight for your joy? How can we come alongside each other in this fight?

Categories: Advent 2023 Series

Advent 2023 Part 1: Two Announcements, Two Very Different Responses. Luke 1:5-38

November 26, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz

    Do you ever feel that God owes you? When are you most tempted to doubt His Word? How does Zechariah’s example warn or encourage you?
    What about Mary’s response is most interesting to you? How are you impacted by her example?
    How can we cultivate humility in our hearts (similar to Mary)? How can we avoid having a callous heart (as opposed to Zechariah)?

Categories: Advent 2023 Series

The Impossible Call. Philippians 2:12-13

November 21, 2023 | Adam Johnson

– What are the things that keep you from being obedient in Christ, and how can you step into further obedience?
– How can you submit to the work of God in you to sustain the works He has for you?

Categories: Philippians Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 7: A Faithless People, A Faithful God (Ezra 9:1-10:44)

November 12, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • It is extremely rare to experience lament over sin and repentance as intense as Ezra’s. Why is that? What does that say about Ezra’s view of sin compared with ours? How can we cultivate a heart like Ezra’s (answer practically/realistically)? 
  • Why is genuine repentance so difficult? How can you tell if your repentance is genuine or contrived/surface level?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 6: Rebuilding God’s People. (Ezra 7:1-8:36)

November 5, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz

Why is Ezra’s order of first study of the Bible, then personal action, and lastly teaching others important? What happens if we mix up that order? How are you doing with those 3 steps?
Where have you seen God’s good hand on you (Red Sea Moments)? How do those moments produce courage to act and a posture of worship?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 5: What Are You Working For? (Ezra 5:3-6:22)

October 22, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Has there ever been a time you felt you were working for God but didn’t see the results (the glory/fire) you hoped for? What did that feel like? How did you respond? How does this passage speak to that moment? 
  • How would you answer the question, “What are you working for?” (i.e. What is your life’s purpose?) Where do you need to repent? Where are you feeling encouraged?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 4: Trouble in the Midst of God’s Call.

October 8, 2023 | Aaron Britton


  • Is there a time in your life where God has called you to a new ministry, family decision, job, etc… and you faced hardship in following Him?  
  • Which one of these things is the most common challenge you face in following Jesus:  1)  Discouragement from other people   2)  Physical limitations  3) Sin in your life or from others? How do you stay close to Jesus in the midst of those challenges? 
  • Pray for anyone at your table facing trouble or obstacles in following Jesus today. 

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 3: What Are We Even Doing Here? (Ezra 3:1-13)

October 1, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • Which part of the definition of worship we used today (The regular, corporate gathering where we run towards God remembering our salvation) are you most in need of hearing? Why?
  • Why does worship sometimes feel like work to you? How does Jesus meet you in those places?
  • If fear drove Israel to the altar, where does fear drive you?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series

Ezra-Nehemiah, Part 2: Do I Really Matter? (Ezra 2:1-70)

September 24, 2023 | Kolburt Schultz


  • What does our world say it takes to have a life that matters? How does Ezra 2 contradict that?
  • Which of these 8 reasons discussed today stands out the most to you? Why?
  • What would it feel like to belong to a church that valued these 8 things? How is that different from the rest of society?

Categories: Ezra-Nehemiah Series