
Advent Reflections-Week 1, Hope

This Advent we are pairing a devotional practice with each candle. The first candle, hope, is a reminder that our vision of tomorrow should give us strength today. That vision is an understanding of the fact that Jesus is Who our hearts are ultimately longing for! We encourage you to engage the discipline of fasting… Read more »


Advent 2020 | Weekly Practices to Prepare Him Room

Each year Advent seems to sneak up on us as Thanksgiving comes to a close; and this year is no different. 2020 has been a hard year for many of us and yet in God’s grace He has allowed us to finish it out in the season of Advent: a season of hope, love, joy,… Read more »


Calling For Justice, Lamenting Sin, Listening To The Hurting. -A Statement on the Cross and Race

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? —Psalm 13:1-2 It moments of cultural upheaval and crisis we… Read more »

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross


Update on mD:F

Below is a short video describing what the next few weeks will look like for us as a church during the coronavirus outbreak.

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross


Important Announcement For Sunday’s Gathering (3-15-20)

This has been a crazy week with the COVID-19 virus impacting so many different aspects of our society.  All this week we have been prayerfully asking God for wisdom regarding the best way for our church to continue to love God, each other, and our neighbors. With many policies being implemented by the school district… Read more »

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross


missio Dei: Falcon Update – COVID-19 Policy and Plan

Dear missio Dei: Falcon As we are all aware, the global spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) dominates every news outlet.  This is affecting almost every country in the world, and with over 33 cases in Colorado, is also an issue with local importance.  With that in mind, the church would like to offer a couple… Read more »


Lent 2020 – Kneeling in Prayerful Dependence on God

At the start of the year our vision sermon laid out four habits that we desire to grow in for our church body to be healthy.  We would like to become a church that 1) Worships authentically, 2) Prays dependently, 3) Serves powerfully and 4) Dies to ourselves daily. To help us make progress in… Read more »


How to Pray a Prayer of Lament

This Sunday we started at 6-week series on the book of Lamentations. Although every Christian goes through periods of grief or profound sadness, we are pretty unpracticed with the biblical concept of lament. In this series we’re going to see how a four-step process frames the idea of faithful lament. Each of these are necessary… Read more »

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross


The Common Rule

Last Sunday we preached our vision sermon for 2020 focusing on how being a healthy church will naturally flow out of it having healthy members.  That sermon is linked here. One of the things we discussed was the daily and weekly habits proposed by Justin Earley in his book, The Common Rule.  In it he… Read more »


Resources for Advent, 2019

December 1st marks the beginning of Advent. Advent (taken from the Latin for “arrival,” or “coming”) is the annual time in the church calendar where we look back to the first coming of Christ on Christmas and forward to the second coming of Christ when He fully consummates His Kingdom. As a church we are… Read more »