Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

This is the 15th sermon in our series Acts: Jesus Builds His Church.

Sermon Summary:

  1. The Holy Spirit leads
    • Any kind of church or Spiritual growth only happens through the
      work of the Holy Spirit
  2. God’s Word is Explained and Preached
    • Romans 10:14; Luke 24
    • Philip Explains Isaiah 53:7-8
  3. The Gospel Advances to all Kinds of People
    • The Key is not status, it is openness and humility before the Lord

Discussion Questions:

  • Where is a place or a person the Holy Spirit might be leading me to reach out to? Have there been any circumstances that have pointed me in that direction?
  • What was a time you can remember where the Preaching of God’s Word had a big impact on your life at that moment? What are the biggest obstacles to this being a regular event in your life? How can you prioritize and clear out the clutter in your life to prioritize sitting under the preached Word of God, with other believers?
  • How has Spiritual Growth happened in my life when I’ve intentionally served or leaned into a relationship with someone who is an “outsider” in my normal relational circles?

The Gospel Goes on the Road (Acts Part 14)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
The Gospel Goes on the Road (Acts Part 14)

February 6th, 2022. “The Gospel Goes on the Road.” Acts 8:4-25

The Testimony of the First Martyr (Acts Part 13)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
The Testimony of the First Martyr (Acts Part 13)

January 30th, 2022. “The Testimony of the First Martyr.” Acts 7:2-8:3.

The Trial of the First Martyr (Acts Part 12)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
The Trial of the First Martyr (Acts Part 12)

January 23rd, 2022. “The Trial of the First Martyr.” Acts 6:8-7:1

Overcoming Selfishness in the Church (Acts Part 11)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
Overcoming Selfishness in the Church (Acts Part 11)

January 16th, 2022. “Overcoming Selfishness in the Church.” Acts 6:1-7.

2021 Reflect and Refocus

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
missio Dei: Falcon
2021 Reflect and Refocus

Our mission: To create the space for all people to ENCOUNTER the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, EXPERIENCE the love of Jesus through the love of His people, and ENGAGE the work of Jesus through missional discipleship.

1. The evidence that we have encountered Jesus is seen when we become increasingly…

  • Scripture Saturated: The Word of Christ, dwelling in us richly, permeates all we think, say, and do (Colossians 3:16).
  • Gospel Centered: The Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Christ as the anchor for all of life (Ephesians 2:1-10).

Reflect: How did you see Jesus working in you in 2021 to grow you in these two areas? How did He use that growth to work through you to disciple others?`

Refocus: How would you like to see Jesus work in you and through you in 2022 so that you can grow in these areas? What tangible steps are you going to take?

2. The evidence that we have experienced the love of Jesus is seen when we become increasingly…

  • Relationally Intentional: Being moved towards another person because of the unsurpassable worth they hold in Jesus’ eyes (1 Thessalonians 2:8).
  • Authentically Loving: Desperately wanting what’s best for another person, for their own sake (John 13:34).

Reflect: How did you see Jesus working in you in 2021 to grow you in these two areas? How did He use that growth to work through you to disciple others?`

Refocus: How would you like to see Jesus work in you and through you in 2022 so that you can grow in these areas? What tangible steps are you going to take?

3. The evidence that we have engaged the work of Jesus is seen when we become increasingly…

  • Missionally Discipling: Maturing together in Christ as we love people who don’t know Jesus with gospel intentionality (Colossians 1:28).
  • Kingdom Multiplying: Giving ourselves for the glory of Jesus beyond our local church setting (Mathew 28:18-20).

Reflect: How did you see Jesus working in you in 2021 to grow you in these two areas? How did He use that growth to work through you to disciple others?

Refocus: How would you like to see Jesus work in you and through you in 2022 so that you can grow in these areas? What tangible steps are you going to take?

The Heart of Christmas

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Gentle and Lowly (Advent 2021)
The Heart of Christmas

December 19th, 2021. “The Heart of Christmas.” Advent 2021 (Week 3). Matthew 11:29.

Finding Rest This Christmas

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Gentle and Lowly (Advent 2021)
Finding Rest This Christmas

December 12th, 2021. “Finding Rest This Christmas.” Advent 2021 (Week 2). Matthew 11:28b.

God’s Gracious Calling

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Stand Alone Sermon
God's Gracious Calling

December 5th, 2021. “God’s Gracious Calling.” Luke 2:26-38.

The Invitation Of Christmas

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Gentle and Lowly (Advent 2021)
The Invitation Of Christmas

November 28th, 2021. “The Invitation of Christmas.” Advent 2021 (Week 1). Matthew 11:28-30.