Soli Deo Gloria: Our True Purpose

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Doctrines of the Reformation
Soli Deo Gloria: Our True Purpose

Part 4: October 29th, 2017. “Soli Deo Gloria: Our True Purpose.”

Solus Christus: Our Only Hope

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Doctrines of the Reformation
Solus Christus: Our Only Hope

Part 3: October 22nd, 2017. “Solus Christus: Our Only Hope.”

Sola Scriptura: The Bible’s Authority

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Doctrines of the Reformation
Sola Scriptura: The Bible's Authority

Part 1: October 8th, 2017. “Sola Scriptura: The Bible’s Authority.”