The Resurrected Jesus

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
The Resurrected Jesus

Part 11: April 1st, 2018. “The Resurrected Jesus.” Easter 2018.

Effective Priesthood

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
Effective Priesthood

Part 10: March 25th, 2018. “Effective Priesthood.” Hebrews 7:1-19.


missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus

Part 9: March 18th, 2018. “Unwavering.” Hebrews 6:13-6:20.

A Mature and Secure Faith

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
A Mature and Secure Faith

Part 8: March 11th, 2018. “A Mature and Secure Faith.” Hebrews 5:11-6:12.

A Sympathetic and Sinless High Priest

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
A Sympathetic and Sinless High Priest

Part 7: March 4th, 2018. “A Sympathetic and Sinless High Priest.” Hebrews 4:14-5:10.

The Gospel of Rest

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
The Gospel of Rest

Part 6: February 25th, 2018. “The Gospel of Rest.” Hebrews 3:7-4:13.

The Glory Of The Son

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
The Glory Of The Son

Part 5: February 18th, 2018. “The Glory of the Son.” Hebrews 3:1-6.

Jesus: His Supremacy and Greatness

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
Jesus: His Supremacy and Greatness

Part 4: February 11th, 2018. “Jesus: His Supremacy and Greatness” Hebrews 2:10-18.

The Danger Of Drifting From Jesus

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
The Danger Of Drifting From Jesus

Part 3: February 4th, 2018. “The Danger Of Drifting From Jesus.” Hebrews 2:1-9.

Jesus Is Greater Than Angels

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Hebrews: Holding Fast to the Greatness of Jesus
Jesus Is Greater Than Angels

Part 2: January 28th, 2018. “Jesus Is Greater Than Angels.” Hebrews 1:5-14.