A Stronger Savior and Better Lord

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
A Stronger Savior and Better Lord

Part 3: August 27th, 2017. “A Stronger Savior and Better Lord.” Judges 3:7-31.

Generational (Un)Faithfulness

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
Generational (Un)Faithfulness

Part 2: August 20th, 2017. “Generational (Un)Faithfulness.” Judges 2:6-3:6.

The Consequence of Partial Obedience

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
The Consequence of Partial Obedience

Part 1: August 13th, 2017. “The Consequence of Partial Obedience.” Judges 1:1-2:5.

Finding Meaning in the Meantime

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Peter: In The Meantime, A Call To Godly Living
Finding Meaning in the Meantime

Part 4: May 21st, 2017. “Finding Meaning in the Meantime.” 2 Peter 3:1-18.

The Danger Of False Teaching

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Peter: In The Meantime, A Call To Godly Living
The Danger Of False Teaching

Part 3: May 14th, 2017. “The Danger of False Teaching.” 2 Peter 2:1-22.

A Future Worth Believing

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Peter: In The Meantime, A Call To Godly Living
A Future Worth Believing

Part 2: May 7th, 2017. “A Future Worth Believing.” 2 Peter 1:12-21.

The Joy of Selflessness

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 John: Experiencing the Love of Jesus Through the Love of His People
The Joy of Selflessness

Experiencing Truth and Love

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 John: Experiencing the Love of Jesus Through the Love of His People
Experiencing Truth and Love

Trusting in Jesus’ Love

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 John: Experiencing the Love of Jesus Through the Love of His People
Trusting in Jesus' Love