Faithful Waiting (Acts Part 2)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
Faithful Waiting (Acts Part 2)

September 5th, 2021. “Faithful Waiting.” Acts 1:12-26.

Jesus Continues His Work (Acts Part 1)

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Acts: Jesus Builds His Church
Jesus Continues His Work (Acts Part 1)

August 29th, 2021. “Jesus Continues His Work.” Acts 1:1-11.

Part 37: Wrapping Up 1 Corinthians: Our Gospel-Foundation

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 37: Wrapping Up 1 Corinthians: Our Gospel-Foundation
May 16th, 2021. Wrapping Up 1 Corinthians: Our Gospel-Foundation.

Part 36: Gospel-Fruit of a Healthy Church

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 36: Gospel-Fruit of a Healthy Church
May 9th, 2021. “Gospel-Fruit of a Healthy Church.” 1 Corinthians 16:1-24.

Part 35: Resurrection Rest

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 35: Resurrection Rest
April 25th, 2021. “Resurrection Rest.” 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.

Part 34: Resurrection Bodies

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 34: Resurrection Bodies
April 18th, 2021 “Resurrection Bodies.” 1 Corinthians 15:35-49.

Part 32: The One Thing That Changes Everything

April 4th, 2021. “The One Thing That Changes Everything.” 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.

We had an exciting outdoor gathered worship service to celebrate Easter Sunday. Unfortunately, our sermon audio did not get recored.

Part 31: A Well-Ordered Worship Service

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 31: A Well-Ordered Worship Service
March 21st, 2021. “A Well-Ordered Worship Service.” 1 Corinthians 14:26-40.

Part 30: Why Tongues and Prophecy Matter

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
1 Corinthians: Gospel Foundations for a Healthy Church
Part 30: Why Tongues and Prophecy Matter
March 14th, 2021. “Why Tongues and Prophecy Matter.” 1 Corinthians 14:1-25.