Part 6: A Strong Anchor, A Secure Faith

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 6: A Strong Anchor, A Secure Faith

November 24th, 2019. “A Strong Anchor, A Secure Faith”. 2nd Timothy 3:14-4:5.

Part 5: The Presence of Jesus

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 5: The Presence of Jesus

November 17th, 2019. “The Presence of Jesus”. 2nd Timothy 3:1-13.

Part 4: A Worker God Desires

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 4: A Worker God Desires

November 10th, 2019. “A Worker God Desires”. 2nd Timothy 2:14-26.

Part 3: How The Gospel Advances

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 3: How The Gospel Advances

November 3rd, 2019. “How The Gospel Advances”. 2nd Timothy 2:1-13.

Part 2: A Life Without Shame

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 2: A Life Without Shame

October 27th, 2019. “A Life Without Shame”. 2nd Timothy 1:8-18.

Part 1: Fanning the Flames of Grace

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
2 Timothy: Protecting and Passing on a Beautiful Gospel
Part 1: Fanning the Flames of Grace

October 20th, 2019. “Fanning the Flames of Grace”. 2nd Timothy 1:1-7.

We Need To Talk About Your Death

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
We Need To Talk About _____
We Need To Talk About Your Death

October 13th, 2019. “We Need To Talk About Your Death”.

We Need To Talk About Your Adoption

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
We Need To Talk About _____
We Need To Talk About Your Adoption

September 29th, 2019. “We Need To Talk About Your Adoption”.