When God’s Plan Just Isn’t Good Enough

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
When God's Plan Just Isn't Good Enough

Part 6: September 17th, 2017. “When God’s Plan Just Isn’t Good Enough.” Judges 7:24-8:35.

God’s Strength Covers Our Weakness

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
God's Strength Covers Our Weakness

Part 5: September 10th, 2017. “God’s Strength Covers Our Weakness.” Judges 6:1-7:23.

God Saves For His Glory And Our Good

Part 4: September 3rd, 2017. “God Saves For His Glory And Our Good.” Judges 4:1-5:31.

(Audio Unavailable)

A Stronger Savior and Better Lord

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
A Stronger Savior and Better Lord

Part 3: August 27th, 2017. “A Stronger Savior and Better Lord.” Judges 3:7-31.

Generational (Un)Faithfulness

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
Generational (Un)Faithfulness

Part 2: August 20th, 2017. “Generational (Un)Faithfulness.” Judges 2:6-3:6.

The Consequence of Partial Obedience

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Judges: Fallen People, Flawed Leaders, Faithful God
The Consequence of Partial Obedience

Part 1: August 13th, 2017. “The Consequence of Partial Obedience.” Judges 1:1-2:5.

The Cost of Following Jesus

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Why We Do What We Do: Habits of a Healthy Soul
The Cost of Following Jesus

Part 11: August 6th, 2017. “The Cost of Following Jesus.”

Why We Do What We Do: Tying It All Together

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Why We Do What We Do: Habits of a Healthy Soul
Why We Do What We Do: Tying It All Together

Part 10: July 30th, 2017. “Why We Do What We Do: Tying It All Together.”

Head and Heart: Loving God Fully

missio Dei: Falcon Colorado logo with cross
Why We Do What We Do: Habits of a Healthy Soul
Head and Heart: Loving God Fully

Part 8: July 16th, 2017. “Head and Heart: Loving God Fully.”