Hello parents,
Please join us for our missio: Kids summer discipleship challenge because JOY is contagious and church should be FUN! Below, you will find numerous discipleship ideas and opportunities. With every five completed discipleship moments, you will receive prize. If you complete the entire summer challenge, you will be entered into a drawing for a family discipleship gift basket.
We firmly believe that Scripture is clear; the chief responsibility and joy of parents is to raise up their children in a home that glorifies, loves, and serves the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:1-12) and we, the church, are committed to partnering with you to make disciples as we share the glorious deeds of the Lord with the next generation (Psalm 78:1-8).
Not unlike the church-wide mission statement, missio: Kids exists to create spaces where all children ages birth through fifth grade can encounter Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, experience the love of Jesus through the love of His people, and engage the work of Jesus through missional discipleship.
Creating a space for children to encounter the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word looks like this:
- Gospel-centered curriculum (The Gospel Project) that engages hearts and minds with the captivating beauty of Jesus Christ throughout the whole counsel of Scripture (Colossians 1:15-23).
Creating a space for children to experience the love of Jesus through the love of His people looks like this:
- Background checked, well-trained teacher volunteers instructing in age based learning classrooms and methods to raise up the next generation of Christ followers who love the Lord and love others (Mark 12:30-31).
Creating a space for children to engage the work of Jesus through missional discipleship looks like this:
- By the power of the Holy Spirit, we endeavor to be Kingdom multiplying as we add classrooms, expand the ministry, and make disciples who make disciples and join in the missio Dei (Matthew 28:16-20).
It is an honor to serve you and your precious children. May Christ be magnified!
- Pray a bedtime blessing over your child.
- Read a children’s Bible story together (younger children) or read from the Bible together and discuss: what does it say, what does it mean, and how does this change me (older kids).
- Sing a praise song together.
- Read Justin Whitmel Earley’s Habits of the Household.
- Choose something to thank God for and pray a prayer of thanksgiving.
- Send an encouraging note to a friend or family member.
- Attend a summer Park Play and Pray.
- Invite a neighbor to church.
- Exchange a mom’s day out with a family as a way to share the love of Jesus.
- Read from the Bible together and discuss: what does this passage tell me about God and what does this passage tell me about myself.
- Bake and deliver a treat or a meal to bless a new neighbor or friend.
- Memorize your missio: Kids Key Passage from the Gospel Project lesson this past Sunday.
- Memorize your missio: Kids Big Picture Question from the Gospel Project lesson this past Sunday.
- Discuss the Family Talking points – Christ Connection from the Gospel Project lesson this past Sunday.
- Read Paul Tripp’s Parenting book.
- Have a family movie night and discuss any gospel connections.
- Memorize the Apostle’s Creed.
- Hire a babysitter and plan a date night (if applicable) to discuss discipleship in the home.
- Sing a hymn and study the history behind the author and the lyrics.
- Pray a prayer of repentance and discuss amazing grace.
- Discuss communion and baptism as a family.
- Spend an hour together of uninterrupted (put the phone away) creative play.
- Sabbath (worship and rest) together.
- Practice generosity.
- Pray for someone who is grieving or suffering.
- Invite a new family over for a meal.